How to Use CUBE Pool

This page will guide you how to use CUBE Pools. *Please note that this guide was written during the testing period.

What is a CUBE Pool?

A staking pool operated as a reward for liquidity providers. You can receive CUBE rewards by supplying liquidity and staking the LP tokens received in return. (Go to Invest)

Go to Bank > Stake > Single

Connect your wallet by clicking the ‘Wallet’ button on the upper right corner.

Click the "Wallet Connect" button to log in (Choose the wallet where you hold relevant tokens).

Once the wallet is successfully connected, you will see a green mark next to the wallet icon.


If you provide liquidity and have LP tokens, you can stake in the CUBE Pool.

Click the Stake button on the right.

Enter the amount to be staked and click the ‘Stake’ button at the bottom.

(Press the Max button to select the total number of LPs you have.)

Confirm the transaction for swap from your wallet interface.

If the above message shows up, the staking has completed successfully.

Receiving Interest

When you click the ‘Unstake’ button, you will receive the deposited LP token and all rewards. When you click the ‘Harvest’ button, you will receive only the rewards, excluding the deposited LP tokens. Click the button you would like of the two.

Confirm the transaction for swap from your wallet interface.

If the above message shows up, the unstaking/harvesting has completed successfully.

Last updated